SMSC - San Miguel Schools, Chicago
SMSC stands for San Miguel Schools, Chicago
Here you will find, what does SMSC stand for in Non-Governmental Organization under Organization category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate San Miguel Schools, Chicago? San Miguel Schools, Chicago can be abbreviated as SMSC What does SMSC stand for? SMSC stands for San Miguel Schools, Chicago. What does San Miguel Schools, Chicago mean?San Miguel Schools, Chicago is an expansion of SMSC
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Alternative definitions of SMSC
- St. Madeleine Sophie's Center
- Stephenville Medical and Surgical Clinic
- Standard Microsystems Corporation
- Short Message Service Center
- Spiritual, Moral, Social, and Cultural values
- South Mississippi Soccer Club
- Stephenville Medical and Surgical Clinic
- Southeast Missouri Soccer Club
View 35 other definitions of SMSC on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
- SPM San Pablo Mission
- SRCM San Rafael Canal Ministry
- SLHS San-Lee Humane Society
- S Sananda
- SF Sanctuary for Families
- SECDNYC Sanders' Enterprise Community Development of New York City
- SCCASANM Sandoval County CASA of NM
- SRMS Sandy Run Middle School
- SCCF Sanibel-Captiva Conservation Foundation
- SSHNLWC Sankay Springs Holistic Natural Life and Wellness Center
- SBCAF Santa Barbara Contemporary Arts Forum
- SBCUW Santa Barbara County's United Way
- SBEDC Santa Barbara Environmental Defense Center
- SBGI Santa Barbara Graduate Institute
- SBIFF Santa Barbara International Film Festival
- SBLRAD Santa Barbara Lupus and Rheumatic-Autoimmune Diseases
- SBMNH Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History
- SBSO Santa Barbara Special Olympics
- SBWCN Santa Barbara Wildlife Care Network
- SBYPC Santa Barbara Young Professionals Club